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- program dial;
- {This program is written using Turbo Pascal. It accepts user input to
- dial the Hayes SmartModem 1200. MS-DOS interrupts are used for RS232
- communications, so even though this was written on a Tandy 2k, it shoul
- work in the IBM and the host of compatables. If you have trouble
- communicating with the serial port, check and change as needed the
- value assigned to DL in talk. It selects the COM port which runs the modem}
- {initialize for MS DOS interrupt call}
- type
- regipak = record ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,di,ds,es,flags:integer;
- end;
- var
- dm:byte;
- mypak: regipak;
- ah,al,bh,bl,ch,cl,dh,dl,bph,bpl,dih,dil,dsh,dsl: byte;
- cx,len,ct:integer;
- ir:byte;
- dialit,LAST,NUMBER,personal,prefix:string[40];
- dummy,digit:char;
- procedure talk;
- {Send characters to the modem}
- begin
- with mypak do
- begin
- ax := ah shl 8 + al;
- dx := dh shl 8 + dl;
- intr($14,mypak);
- end;
- end;
- procedure send_line;
- {Break the number apart and TALK to the modem}
- begin
- NUMBER:=CONCAT(prefix,DIALIt,chr(13));
- len:=length(number);
- ct:=1;
- while ct<=len do
- begin
- digit:=copy(number,ct,1);
- al:=ord(digit);
- ah:=1;
- dl:=0;
- talk;
- ct:=ct+1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure setup;
- {set communications parameters}
- begin
- ah:=0;
- dl:=0;
- al:=131;
- talk;
- ah:=4;
- dl:=0;
- talk;
- end;
- procedure hangup;
- {What else, but hang up the modem}
- begin
- writeln('Hit any key to hang up modem');
- read(dummy);
- dialit:='h0';
- send_line;
- end;
- {Get the number to dial or special commands}
- begin
- setup;
- writeln('');
- write('Number to Dial ( . = quit [enter] = last number): ');
- readln(dialit);
- if dialit='' then
- begin
- dialit:=last;
- end;
- if last<>'.' then
- begin
- write ('Dialing ');
- writeln(dialit);
- send_line;
- hangup;
- end;
- end;
- {Get and store the prefix code and get down to business}
- writeln('Enter personal dialing code (MCI access etc) or [enter] for none');
- writeln('This code remains active for the complete dialing session');
- readln(personal);
- prefix:=concat('ATDT',personal);
- clrscr;
- WHILE LAST<>'.' do
- begin
- main;
- end;
- last:='ddd';
- end.